Thursday, April 30, 2009

Drive. Me. No. Like.

A Learners permit or in other words an L license has been obtained. Whee..

The bengkel session today was err kinda lame. They were talking about the technical bit of a car, of which I really couldn't care less. We had this penguin speaker which was awesome cause he was lazy haha. He kept looking at his watch, gave us breaks and ran through the syllabus.

Then came the 'observe car functions' bit. Nothing much. We were then told to return to our personal driving instructors for some practical work. So I enthusiastically (ok, im lying) skipped towards Mr. Anthony and he drove us down to the circuit.

After a short stint around the track, teaching me basic stuff, to my utmost horror, he stopped the car and said "ok change place, your turn". I was so shocked all I could manage was "HUH??! You want ME to drive? Now? Are you sure?! I can't even drive! Crash I dunno ah". Hahaha..

other learners =)

Somehow or rather, I managed. With many many hiccups along the way though. And apparently with the need for speed. Kept going at the accelerator haha. Did I mention, the car died on me, many many times? Well it did. ISH. If i'm not mistaken, at one point I almost hit the side-view mirror of a parked car too, cause of those stuupid motorcycle students messing with my path. Did relatively well for the hill test though. =s

I'm just glad nobody died.

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