Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I passed!! =)

My drivers license theory test that is..and on the way to getting a learners permit tomorrow. What a drag..another freakishly early morning.

Before I leave, let me enlighten you with a duduhead I met today at the testing centre. This guy two computers away snuck in his theory notes but was an epic failure 'cause the examiner caught him red-handed and snatched his papers away. So the retard started grumbling and making a whole tonne of noises. He was basically talking to himself all the way, while everyone else was trying to complete the questions within the time allocated. Annoying as hell.

He kept repeating "how la how me please, please..die la die la.." Then he spoke in mandarin! Things like "shi la shi la..zhen yang, zhen yang?..wo chen de ben tan la (glad he noticed)..bang mang ah" At one point he even gestured prayers, or what looked like it and started going through numbers-yi er san si and so on, as if it was any help. I mean wtf right?!

Many of us just glared at him. He eventually got kicked out, and yea we presumed he failed.

Pfft ish. Over and out! heehee

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