Saturday, July 18, 2009

Manchester United Asia Tour 2009

I've waited for this for almost 8 years!
the precious tickets
We, as in my godfather, brother and cousin, left the house at 2.30pm and headed straight for Bukit Jalil. There was a massive jam, as expected, with many fans already walking to the stadium from miles away. We were fortunate to find a parking spot not very far away.
Walked forever and got a little lost trying to locate the ticket collection counter. Since we bought out tickets online, the original passes had to be redeemed. As soon as we got hold of the tickets, we made our way into the designated seating area. We had AWESOME seats with a spectacular view! It was strategic seeing that's where the reserves warmed up and stuff. =)))
the stadium upon arrival..
wat else to do but take pictures?
seats starting to fill up
don't know why I took so many pictures of the stadium haha
Had to wait for about 2 hours for the match to actually start haha. Chilled about and literally deyhrated. I think we had some ice cream too haha. It was blazing, thats why. There were many many rounds of the Mexican Wave as well. Such synchronization in a crowd of 100000 or so. Personally, I found that incredibly entertaining haha. There was also a march past by some random Malaysian squad.
after 3/4 of the field, they looked like they were about to drop dead haha
I really don't know why I took so many pictures of the people
The teams came out early for their warm-ups, sending the entire stadium into chaos. Cheers, yelps, applauses, horn; all sorta things!
ben foster. the first man utd player out on the field.
then came edwin van der sar. the crowd went wild
the entire team came not long after. evryone was insanely excited
I was mesmerized. Literally. Jaw droppin moments haha. Kick-off was slightly off schedule. To be expected anyway since its Malaysia were talkin about. ;) I really can't describe the atmosphere. Amazing. That's all I can come up with, though it doesnt really justify the actual fact.
the teams coming out for the match
the classic line-up
the sea of RED!
first few minutes of the first half
sarah. godfather. julian.
he lost his sense of direction. the pitch is that way mate ->
nani's fumble and tumble. first 'injury' of the day
I told you we were very close to the players. heres proof. thats wes brown
michael owen *drool activated*
avid fans by the thousands
second half

ryan giggs' appearance

classic. still going strong

score at 75 minutes. 2-2. not how I had imagined it to be

wide screen shot

man utd dug out

just after michael owen scored the winning goal. scores on the board a bit wrecked

And that was it. The match I had been anticipating since forever, ended as quick as it came. Best experience by far, no doubt. We stayed on to watch the team warm down, recieve souvenier medals, bid their farewell and thank the fans. How sweet.

chillin' after the match

their walk around the stadium


the oldER gary neville and ryan giggs trained a little after the match. such dedication to the team *applauses


my brother. don't you think we look two worlds apart?

tha camera had some issues. look at the brown spots all over. eee

final look of the stadium

Getting out of Bukit Jalil was horrendous. It took us an hour jus tto walk to our car. Human traffic jam. Crazy amount of people. We stopped by the official merchandise store and got ourselves a couple of t-shirts. Me like. =D

blue blue blue

human cages. we had to go through that tight squeeze just to get to the tiers. definately tight security

I definately, without a moment of hesitation, would say that I had a BLAST! I'll do it again in a heartbeat!

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